

Just like humans, dogs are all very unique with differing skin and coat conditions. I only use completely natural and organic products to protect the health condition of your dogs coat. I am currently using Pawganic shampoos which contain no parabins or SLS and are vegan friendly and cruelty free. I have a different shampoo for every coat type. Please just ask if you have a preference.

Sensitive - ideal for any dogs with skin conditions and double coats

Sherbet Lemonade - ideal for drop coats

Yankee Doodle - ideal for thick and curly coats

English Rose - with added lavender for puppy’s and nervous dogs

Vintage Mint - to soothe muscles of both working and older dogs

  • Bath & Brush

    Every dog will receive two shampoos, second with conditioner. Thorough dry and brush out with appropriate tools depending on coat type. Nails clipped & ears plucked (on request).

    Small Breeds - from £20

    Medium Breeds - from £25

    Large Breeds - from £30

    Giant Breeds - from £45

  • Maintenance

    As bath & brush with paw pads, bum, hygiene area and face trimmed.

    Small Breeds - from £40

    Medium Breeds - from £45

    Large Breeds - from £55

    Giant Breeds - from £70

  • Full Groom

    As bath, brush & maintenance with full styling.

    Small Breeds - from £45

    Medium Breeds - from £55

    Large Breeds - from £60

    Giant Breeds - from £75

  • Handstripping

    A very skilled grooming technique which involves removing dead undercoat through carding and/or plucking the outer guard hairs (stripping). This is specifically for wire haired breeds and some silky coated dogs. This achieves a more vibrant, healthy, fuller, weatherproofed coat.

    Small Breeds - from £65

    Medium Breeds - from £75

    Large Breeds - from £90

    Giant Breeds - from £110

  • Spa Treatments (Optional Extras)

    Blueberry Facial £10 (suitable for all dogs. Helps to reduce tear stains and enhances the colour of the dogs coat. It is massaged into the dogs skin allowing for a calming spa experience.

    Dead Sea Mud Mask £6 small to medium breeds & £10 large breeds (Great de-shedding treatment, stimulates cell growth, adds shine and causes lasting hydration.

    Nail Trim & Paw and nose balm £12 (Helps to moisturise nails, paw pads, noses and calloused elbows. Great for use in extreme weather conditions and affords protection against hot or cold pavements, ice and salt.

  • Ultrasound Teeth Cleaning

    First Session (includes own toothbrush head) £35, top up sessions £25 (course of 6 recommended if booked discount price of £130

    State of the art technology for cleaning teeth. Performs without any movement, vibrations or noise making the procedure acceptable for even the most anxious of dogs.

    Cleaning will remove tartar, staining, kills bacteria and freshens breath.

Puppy Packages

Puppy Packages

Why is it so important to get your puppy used to grooming?

There are numerous benefits to introducing your puppy to grooming as soon as they are fully vaccinated. As a groomer I want your pup to be as relaxed and confident in my salon as possible. It can seem like quite a scary environment being handled by a stranger, smells and all the loud noises, such as the dryers and can cause serious overwhelm. By investing in a puppy grooming package, I will introduce them very gradually to grooming and handling techniques building trust and confidence over time. Not only will your pup start to make positive associations with regular grooming I am also here to offer you as an owner advice how to best to support your pup through this and continue the good grooming techniques at home.

What does the puppy package include

Session 1: Meet and Greet with the puppy and owner with full health check. Here we will discuss exactly what you would like from your grooms and I will give you advice on the correct brushes and home care techniques based on your dogs coat. I will also show you around the salon and equipment demonstrating handling techniques and allowing your pup to hear some of the usual sounds of clippers and dryers. If happy we can also introduce clippers and scissors and attempt paw pads and clearing the eyes.

Session 2: Nail trim, clean ears (plucking if requested), bath, dry and brush.

Session 3: As before, introduction to clippers, complete paws pads and hygiene area. Introduce to scissors trimming eye area, fringe and ears.

Session 4: Full groom and style.

£100 - All Breeds