Policies and Loyalty Scheme


  • As Owner/Guardian I confirm that the dog is fit and healthy and consent to grooming being carried out at the ‘Godfrey Grooming’ salon.

  • To my knowledge I have provided all medical conditions/allergies and agree that the groomer will not be held liable or responsible for any underlying skin or health problems that grooming may discover.

  • I understand the welfare of my dog will always come first at ‘Godfrey Groomers’. If my dogs coat is matted, the groomer may have to shave the coat due to the Animal Welfare Act and consent to appropriate procedures being carried out.

  • I understand that if my dog needs extra time due to coat conditions or behaviours there will be an extra charge for this.

  • I agree that if my dog attempts to bite, suitable safety aids can be used including a muzzle at the groomer’s discretion. If the groom is not able to continue due to safety and welfare of my dog, I agree to pay the minimum amount required.

  • The groomer cannot be held responsible for any grooming mishaps that may occur while grooming due to behavioural issues.

  • In the event of any emergency I authorise the groomer to administer appropriate First Aid and seek professional veterinary attention for my dog (at my expense). I understand that all attempts will be made to make contact with me if anything of this nature arises.

    Cancellation Policy

  • I understand that if I need to change or cancel my appointment, I must give at least 24 hours’ notice. Failure to cancel within 24 hours may result in a charge.

Emmi-Pet teeth cleaning service is exactly that - a teeth cleaning service. It is suitable for dogs with mild to moderate tartar build up. It can help heal gum disease, remove plaque and tartar and freshen breath. The operator is not a veterinarian and teeth cleaning is not a substitute for veterinary treatment where a dog requires dental work beyond cleaning.

Owners should be aware that:

  • removal of even mild tartar build up can reveal conditions that could not be seen prior to removal that may need veterinary attention.

  • Emmi-Pet teeth cleaning is effective at healing gum disease and removing plaque and tartar but is less effective at removing staining on teeth. (Staining is cosmetic and has no ill effect on the dog’s welfare).

Flea/Lice Policy

A really important part of being a responsible dog owner is to ensure the health of your dog. Part of this is making sure that your dog is free of any fleas or lice.

Fleas and lice are extremely contagious and therefore if you bring your dog to my salon with an infestation you are risking contamination of the whole salon which will mean fumigation will need to take place before any further appointments can take place.

If your dog is found with any fleas or lice during a groom it will be stopped immediately and you will be called to collect your dog. There will be a charge of at least 50% of the groom and you will also be charged for fumigation of the salon and equipment.

Loyalty Scheme

Refer a friend and receive 15% off your next groom

After 5 full grooms, receive 20% off your next visit