Who am I?

Well… by the age of 43 you would think I would have a good idea by now. I have come to the conclusion that we are all forever evolving based on what life throws at us. I have some pretty solid core beliefs, but for sure, certain life experiences can bring some major changes.

I grew up in a happy family of four. Mum (Viv) gave up her job (classic for the time) to bring up myself and my older brother (Duncan). I should probably take this quick opportunity to thank him publicly as he designed my logo for me and also made me start building this website, so thanks Duncy! My Dad (Bob) was a hard working firefighter and also coached at rugby clubs such as Harlequins, Saracens and London Scottish. One other key ingredient to every family is a dog and I don’t remember a time that we were without our lovely and loyal German Shepherds. First was Rocky, then came Shane and finally Rory.

As a family, we were heavily involved in sport and I spent many years at swimming and gymnastic clubs. Through my love of sport and wanting to please my father I decided a career in sport sounded like a good plan. Deep down I wanted to be a vet and in hindsight, I am not sure I ever really believed that would be possible. I also take full responsibility of ruining any chances of that by letting my grades slip during my GCSE’s by thinking hanging out with my friends was way more fun!

So PE teacher it was! I went off to St Mary’s University studying Sport Science and completing a PGCE in Secondary Education. My first job was in a Girl’s school in Southwark which was pretty hard work but set me up well. Sadly during my first year teaching, my world fell apart. My Dad who had previously retired found that relaxation wasn’t for him and went back to work training new firefighter recruits in the training centre in Southwark and whilst on a run suffered a fatal heart attack. I don’t want to dwell on this but it is a very significant event and key factor in finally giving me the balls to take control and find my happy.There really is nothing like a huge loss for you to realise life is short. I will forever have a huge whole in my heart but Dad “you will always be remembered by the tracks that you leave”.

Teaching sent me my husband (James) also a PE teacher and soon after came my lovely boys Alfie and Charlie. I took inspiration from my mum and decided to step back from work so I could be around to give them a similar upbringing to my own. I did want to keep my foot in the door of employment so started teaching part time which has given me the opportunity to make my exit plan and build my business gradually alongside without too much risk.

So to conclude, what are my core beliefs? Always work hard but work smart (diligence). I honestly believe for the most part, you get what you deserve from what you are willing to put in. Don’t get me started on relative pay, as I think certain jobs it is ridiculously low in relation to the work/risk, one example being any of our amazing emergency services. Manners and respect are everything, they really cost nothing. I don’t care who or how important you are, always be polite and show respect. To always be caring and empathetic. I like to think I am very naturally caring, I like to look after people (and animals😉) and genuinely feel joy in making other people happy. Finally, never get complacent, there is always something more to learn. So, this is on record, I will continue to strive to always find a way to improve and learn new skills.



